Breton Theater
Logroño: Tradition and Modernity
The city of Logroño is known for its rich culture. Its festivals, gastronomy featuring tapas and wines, and its historical heritage stand out. The city boasts museums, literary events, and a vibrant artistic life, while also being an important stop on the Camino de Santiago.
Its streets offer residents and visitors a unique and enriching cultural experience. Calle Laurel is famous for its tapas bars, while the Museum of La Rioja provides a detailed view of the region's history. Logroño is a place where tradition meets innovation, creating a dynamic and welcoming atmosphere.
Places of interest
The Ibercaja La Rioja Center manages the Ibercaja San Anton Exhibition Hall, located on Calle San Antón, just 200 m from the Paseo del Espolón de Logroño.
La Rioja Library Exhibition Hall is located on the ground floor of the building.
Our suggestions
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